Studio Fra Logo
creative branding

Studio Fra - where your brand gets a new personality & edge

a boutique design studio specialising in brand identity design for startups and digital-first services. Studio Fra is a one-person firm that brings you a hands-on approach to design to make your brand stand apart

Logo Folio




Design Discovery


Civils Daily

What I do

Envisioning original brand narrative is just a part of my work. Hands-on design is what brings all brands to shape

Website Design

Studio Fra can shape your website from scratch with functional navigation and content strategy. With years of experience in interactive design, I bring you the best practices in making your website stand out.


A crisp and consistent brand identity is critical to stand apart from competition. Whether you are a product startup or a service provider you need a professional & credible image to win over customers.

Information Architecture

Classification & organisation of content is crucial for reaching the target audience. This is more so for content rich websites like online magazines, blogs, e-commerce, etc.

Brand Strategy

An engaging brand starts with a thorough definition of the target audience, the message, brand positioning. I will define your brand architecture from the ground up.

back to roots ↩︎

From UI/UX → brand identity design. Studio Fra
returns to its roots where it all began in 2009. The studio now exclusively focuses on graphic design